sica’s prints website

This is a hypothetical prints site I created to showcase a selection of prints I made not too long ago. The color palette gives off a toned-down version of a standard printmaking palette while the marble design in the background emulates the lines created when carved into either a linoleum block or plexiglass.

I created a small sitemap to help determine how I would want my screens to flow after designing it all in Figma.

Neato Serif Rough is used for titles and subtitles while the body paragraphs and other heavy-text sections use Gill Sans. I felt Neato Serif Rough emulates the texture of what a print has, and Gill Sans is simply a sans serif typeface that compliments Neato Serif Rough well.

The color palette and layout of the site are the components I changed and rearranged the most throughout creating the site. I found it hard to stick to a color palette I liked and the longer I looked at the layout the more I disliked it. That aside, I am pleased with the way everything came together, and I especially enjoyed creating scroll and pop-up components for certain sections.


The 'Essential' in Oils